We know there is an issue with our email list. It started last week, and the provider knows what the issue is. We'll advise when it is safe to subscribe once again if that is what people want.
Welcome to email host security. Many people may recognize the domain, as it was once used for Phishing and was taken down. This is because I, Jared Rimer, was targeted to give up my email address and password saying that my address was going to expire.
To this day, I'm not sure whether I assisted in the take down, or whether my phone calls and blog post sent by email did the trick.
This site will include all of the links to my podcast known as The Security Box as well as an explanation of why I decided to buy the domain so nobody else gets targeted like I did.
We'll also have a resources page on different terms, blog posts of what happened before and what I observed, and articles about the phishing landscape. We'll also have books that might be of interest that have been read or recommended either by the JRN or any of our listeners. Some articles mentioned within that page may be crossing email and other aspects of delivery, but they are important as actors can decide what to use based on their need.
While actors have used Email for delivery of threats, they may not necessarily use email for all delivery. They have the option to use email, voice telephone calls, social media and even text messaging otherwise known as SMS. All threats start with the first line of communication, so just because you hear something is delivered one way, doesn't mean you'll receive it in another. As a side note, All threats started by email at some point, some may have started via the old fax machine, but they then evolved in to the confines of limitations of social media and other delivery methods used today.
Please choose from one of the following links to continue learning and exploring, and thanks so much for stopping by! If you're already on a page, I.E. the Home Page, selecting that link will take you to the same page. The list of links are across the entire web site.
I've separated links from within the website from other outside links which will take you to other pages on the Internet, away from EMHS itself. Any broken links, let us know!
These links are outside of EMHS itself.
The following are podcasts and resources we use for topics or other informational things we talk about during the show. These sites may be used to blog things as well. The sites are in no particular order. Updated 17:12 4/1/2024.
If you are not at the home page, please go back there using this link.
If you found this site of value and wish to donate, Please go to the Jared Rimer Network donations page. We appreciate your support in this project, and thank anyone who donates. Its not a requirement, but appreciated. We thank you if you do! If you have questions before donating, please reach out!
The Jared Rimer Network supports direct credit card and bank transfers through Freshbooks and we also take credit cards and other forms of payment through our Paypal partnership with a button. It supports direct paypal payments, as well as non-paypal members. If you are a non-member and wish not to sign up, just switch off the create account option through the checkout process. Thanks again for your support!
Please do not call for solicitations such as web development, social media services or the like. The Jared Rimer Network built this site as an educational resource which constantly gets updated based on what we read. It is not appropriate for this to be outsourced. If you want to be listed as a company or you want to advertise along the network, please utalize that right, but no solicitations as stated above. Thank you!
If there is a broken link, please contact the Jared Rimer Network through this contact web page and it'll be taken care of. Make sure you tell the Jared Rimer Network where the link is, as the network runs many different pages. There is no email contact on this site.
Links to third parties are not the responsibility of the Jared Rimer Network. If the link breaks, please let us know, and if you have a new link to the same source that was broken, please let us know. A contact link is given to the JRN's contact form above.
The books linked within the resources page are recommended reading based on opinion of the JRN reading the book. The JRN does not get paid for the recommendation of the books listed. The JRN enjoyed the book and found it valuable. If there are books within this section that should be listed, please send a note with the title and author and it'll be investigated. All books are linked via Amazon as a convenience, but they may be listed elsewhere including Apple and other book distributers.
By law, we are not allowed to link to BARD, it may have the books listed, but you'll need to do your own search to see what is available and what you're interested in based on the book titles listed herein. Bard is ran by the Library of Congress, United States (U.S.) and all rights are reserved. Only patrons of the U.S. or living abroad and a U.S. citizen may access Bard.
The opinions in the podcasts linked are those of the show hosts, and may not represent any company in which the show hosts may represent.
We do the podcast to get information out, and it may contain errors. If there are any, please let us know what we said wrong, and what it is supposed to be corrected to. This is called "correcting the record" and the best make these mistakes and have to do it. We're not ashamed to say we don't know.